What happens after my 341 hearing Meeting of Creditors is completed?

What happens after my 341 hearing Meeting of Creditors is completed?

Congratulations on the conclusion of your 341 Meeting of Creditors! Your case is now proceeding to the confirmation phase of your Chapter 13. 

You will likely receive a document from your Chapter 13 Trustee titled  “Objection to Confirmation and Recommendation for Dismissal.” This document filed by the Trustee does not mean the Trustee is actively seeking to dismiss your case—it is just the name of the document and it means there are some outstanding issues that need to be resolved in your case. During the confirmation process, we will reach out to you for any additional documents requested by the Trustee. We will work with the Chapter 13 Trustee to resolve the Trustee’s Opposition and create a Chapter 13 Plan that can be confirmed. This process can generally take between 6 to 12 months depending on the complexity of your case. In the meantime, please continue to provide us with any requested documents and, more importantly, continue to make payments to the Trustee as required by your current Chapter 13 Plan. The easiest way to make payments is online using the TFS Bill Pay system, which can be accessed by visiting www.tfsbillpay.com and setting up an account. 

If for any reason you are unable to make a plan payment, please let us know immediately! Do not skip a payment! Failure to make plan payments is the #1 reason why a Chapter 13 case is dismissed. 

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